Sunday, December 30, 2007

Nearly $28 Billion Spent by Holiday Shoppers

Retail and online stores generated nearly $28 billion dollars from holiday sales from November 1 to December 27, 2007, according to ComScore.

With $730 million in sales Cyber Monday (November 26) once again surpassed Black Friday (November 23) by $200 million in sales. Yet both days failed to beat out Green Monday (December 10) which saw sales of $880 million.

Even after Christmas, consumers continued to take advantage of online deals, spending $545 million which is twice as much as last year.

Overall retail spending saw a twenty-one percent increase over 2006, according to ComScore.

So, the 28 billion dollar question is: What was your company's share of the $28 billion in spending? Stop watching other companies make money--resolve to market smarter in 2008!

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