Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Reach Customers on a Personal Level

Increase Direct Mail Response Rates Part Two

Personalizing direct mail pieces and offers are vital to achieving any increase in direct marketing response rates. Personalization gets your targeted market's attention and immediately answers the question “What’s in it for me?” by giving customers unique offers based on their wants and needs. With fully-customized direct mail, you can make a different offer to each person on your mailing list, even use different images and text, and all in one print run. Not all printers are capable of this, so look for one that uses variable data printing and imaging software with commercial-grade digital printers.

The graphics, offers and text of each direct mail piece can be customized based on your target market's gender, income, hobbies, age, homeowner status, location, career, interests, life goals and hundreds of other criteria. The more you know about your target market's habits, hobbies, and goals, the more you can customize offers and personalize images to grab their attention. Anything that is not grabbing their attention and driving them to act is a waste of money.

The easiest way to test customized direct mail is to add a personalized image to your existing static mailer. What is a personalized direct mail image? Enter your name in the demo box at this website to see a real-time example.

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